Sunday, May 4, 2008

Go for the Gusto...

Growing Old Gracefully?

Who comes up with this stuff?

Let’s get real here… there is nothing graceful about it!

I first began noticing gray hairs making an entrance when I was still in my thirties.

THAT I can fix…

Around the time I turned forty, I noticed that there was no amount of concentration that could bring the words on the back of the Advil bottle into focus…
And why, do you ask was I holding an Advil bottle?
Because I was beginning to pop the stuff like pez to relieve all kinds of aches and pains in my

Enter pain-of-the-day here

One of my defining “old” moments came by way of a young(ish) looking salesperson in a video store nearby. I politely asked her if there were any new releases that she would recommend…

She paused for a second, tapped her index finger on her cheek and said ‘Hmmm… Let me think… what would my parents like…

I think they might have fired her shortly after that….

Some disgruntled customer had placed 538 complaints about her in the comments box…


I have a friend who actually worries about her age. I tell her over and over again that it’s just a number…
In her case, a large number…but that she shouldn’t fret about it.
She’s wasting time by obsessing over that which she has no control over… getting older…

I learned at an early age, from an unlikely source, a philosophy that has stuck with me my entire life.
It was drummed into my head often while I was watching television, during the commercials…“Go for the Gusto”

Though the advertising genius who came up with that slogan would be devastated to hear that I cannot for the life of me recall the product they were promoting, (I think it may have been beer) they would be happy to know that their idea made a difference!

I thank God every day for today, and as I tread water in the deep end, I feel happy and downright blessed to be here!

As ungracefully as I’m doing it, I’m growing older, just like everyone else…. But I do feel like I have a secret weapon…

The knowledge that inside, I am still immature... which somehow makes me feel like it all balances out!

So what if I have wrinkles and age spots forming as we speak!

I’ve earned every last one of them and I’m here another day to do that thing I love so…


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