Tuesday, April 6, 2010

"Good!... and You?"

The other day while I was at Sam's Club spending a large percentage of our weekly income on food and such*

*(such = all of the other stuff that you toss in your humongous cart that fills up far too quickly)

I had an embarrassing moment...
you know the kind that makes you want race in the opposite direction and hide in the candy isle...
(okay...I happen to like the candy isle....don't hate on me!)

One of the ever-so-friendly workers was walking towards me next to the banana section and in a very upbeat tone said "Hey there! How's it going?"
to which I replied a bit too loudly, "Good!... and You?"

As I was speaking, I heard another lady, who happen to be wearing a Sam's vest and have name tag on answer him at the exact same time...

Now I'm not 100% sure, but I think he may have been speaking to her to begin with...

Now where were those Snickers bars again?

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I respond much more favorably to praise than criticism! ;)

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