Thursday, June 19, 2008

4 Hour (not so) Funny Bone...

Is anyone else sick of those ridiculous Viagra commercials?
The latest one "Viva Viagra" is the absolute worst of the bunch...
You know the one...
It's filmed in Nashville at precisely at 1:22 a.m....
(not 1:23 or 1:24...)
How did I know that?
Because it says so on the left hand side of the screen at the beginning of the ad...
"Nashville 1:22 a.m."... why they feel compelled to tell us that is beyond me...
(Maybe Good Ol' Boys lose their gidd'up and go, at that time of night)

It features a bunch of country music musicians talking about erectile dysfunction...
I'm sorry, but REALLY FOLKS!!!
Is it necessary to discuss Erectile Dysfunction with ALL of us?!

I realize that this is addressing a legitimate medical condition....
But Puleeeease! I do not want to explain to any of the younger tv viewers in my house what an erection is...
That's just wrong....
It goes back to my problem with using correct anatomical names with a straight face...
I don't want to have to say 'erection' (but be thinking 'boner') and giggling uncontrollably in front of the children...

When I hear the words 'erectile dysfunction', it reminds me of Robert DeNiro in the movie Analyze This, when kept referring to his ED problem as his "dead dick thing"...

Funny Stuff...

I especially die over the disclaimer -
If you experience an erection that lasts longer than 4 hours contact your doctor...
Can't you just imagine...

First This -

Several Hours Later -

Lastly -

And let's be honest ladies....
Would you REALLY need one that lasted even 3 HOURS????!!!!

I'm just keeping it real here...

Digg this


Anonymous said...

I've often thought the same thing about those commercials!

Unknown said...

I've always said - if there's an errection that lasts longer than four hours - SOMEONE is going to need a doctor.....

Chuckerpated said...


Truth be told however, the 4+ hour erection is a very serious condition that can indeed result in something as serious as permanent ED if not treated!

But DAMN if it ain't hilarious, nonetheless!

Hi, I'm 13 years old and I approve this message ;^)

Anonymous said...

This is outrageously hilarious. haha! And the 'viva viagra' commercial drives me insane!

BlondeMomBlog (Jamie) said...

That is HILARIOUS! But um yeah, there's just TMI going on in these commercials. ;)


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