My husband said it again the other night...
I was sitting there at Applebees, minding my own business, when he just blurted it out...
"This crowd is different than the other Applebees at this hour!
It's all 'young people'..."
OH - NO - HE - DIDN'T!
What the heck is with him an using that phrase?
I've warned him about that...
"What the heck Tony!" was the only thing I could think to say...
After all, there are a zillion and one reasons that it really bugs me when anyone close to my age says things like that...
The top two being-
- It implies that we aren't, you know.... young!
- It implies that we aren't, you know.... young!
OH! Good God!!!
I just re-read what I'd written, which happens to be a true account of how it 'went down' that night, and realized that 'zipping to Applebees' at 1 am for half price appetizers sounds like it might possibly be another step in our progression towards early-bird specials, and 'senior tuesdays'...
I'm officially depressed!
The thing is, in my mind, I am still "young people"
and I hope that never changes...
In the meantime, I'm going to try this out...
The next time Tony dares to speak the 'forbidden phrase'
I will be ready to reply with this:
"I know... I hope we're not making you feel too out of place"
It's all about perspective!
Just ask him the catch-all question to determine whether or not he is indeed as "old" as he's implying:
Do you need a Viagra with that whine?
No? Then buck-up, buck-o! Aaliyah said it and I believe it: Age Ain't Nothin' But A Numba.
Perspective indeed - age is a frame of mind. Particularly thoughts of "young" or "old."
Either way, modern etiquette insists that one not ponder such a quandry aloud, lest one be immediately deemed "old" simply for saying that!
"Do you need a Viagra with that whine?"
I'll have to remember this one for next time...
and there WILL be a next time.... guaranteed!
PS - Welcome Chucklyn!
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