Thursday, September 18, 2008

Why, Yes It Is!!! Thanks For Asking!!

It's FINALLY arrived....

My BIG Day....

I'm pretty darned siked...
except that already, one of my kids forgot...

(although he didn't forget to ask me to do him a favor as he rushed out the door...)

At least my GGT #1 is nearly as excited as I am about my birthday...

He wants to know what kind of cake we're going to have...
and will he get a goodie bag... (which makes me wonder? What do grown-up goodie bags have in them? Airline sized bottles of Bacardi?)
and if he will get to out to lunch too....

I think I'm detecting a theme in the thought process he is having....

That's alright though...
I appreciate any and all support for the betterment of my birthday...

I've got Birthday-ing to do here people!!

Enjoy MY special day in your own special way!

PS - Check out this special post on my sisters blog which she made just for me!!!

(If anyone else wants to pay tribute to me on this VERY special day, I won't be offended ;)

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Woman With Windows said...

Happy BIRTHDAY Aunt Jack!

Have a piece of cake for me too, will ya!!


halfbreedwoman said...
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halfbreedwoman said...

Happy Birthday!!! Hope your night is incredible. I'll send you that link via email and you'll laugh.

Anonymous said...

of course i am a day late, and a dollar (which is not in the card i am not sending you) short, but you know i love ya! Hope it was a happy one.


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I respond much more favorably to praise than criticism! ;)

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