Thursday, July 31, 2008

Behind the Scenes - Photo Shoot - Girl Gone Wild...

Any of you out there with teenage daughters, notice your document files getting more and more cluttered with 5 zillion pictures similar to these?

Digital photography has changed the way people approach picture taking these days...
Not like the old days with our Instamatics...

It's like every occasion has become an easy photo op...
Want to take 57 self portraits?
Why not!!
If you don't like 'em... Delete 'em!!
It's a cinch!!

Here's a few that I selected from the 100's that my daughter has taken over the summer...
Here she is at the beach...
(notice groovy chic glasses, covering up smudged mascara, worn to the beach... ahhh youth!!)

and this one...
in the car...
(notice brother not too excited about being included in the "photo shoot"-

You never know how many opportunities for being a shutter-bug with your dog you may be missing ...
You NEVER can have ENOUGH pics of yourself with your pooch...
Can you?!

Occasionally, when the lighting is JUST RIGHT in the "powder room"...
You just HAVE to take advantage of it...
Thus the 150 self portraits that were recently shot into the bathroom mirror...

Sometimes if you are lucky, a special guest may make an appearance too...

Who's turn was it to clean anyway?!
Check out that mirror!!

I mean REALLY daughter!!
Couldn't you have given it a quick wipe down first?!


Here's one of my recent favorites...
It was taken, on a boat while on vacation...
Picture #1 was taken when she didn't know I was actually taking a picture...
This look is one that she gives me quite often...


"Helllloooo! I'm trying to take your picture!!!"
Now, if you look REALLY close, you may notice the slight change in her facial expression here in picture #2


Gosh, I love that girl!!!

Digg this


Anonymous said...

Kids are fun. My son hasn't really shown much interest in taking pictures, but he's only 9. He does hate that I take them constantly. And yes, if I was still using film or a Polaroid... I'd have 1000's less pictures than I do now.


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