Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Blow, blow, blow your nose...

I've been camped out on my couch for three days now...
Somehow, in the midst of all of the merriment...
all of the holiday kisses that were bestowed on me by friends and acquaintances as well as their husbands...
SOMEONE infected me with the crud...

So as I've lain on the couch "lounging" as my family would call it ("suffering"would be a more accurate description) life has continued to march on...

Here is a list of what I have accomplished in the last three days:

1) I've watched 17 movies...none in their entirety...
some I've attempted four times... still I've dozed...

2) I've picked up as well as driven kids... in my pajamas...
that's what I do...sick or not (and moaning and weeping doesn't seem to deter family members from asking me to help them out in some way)

3) I've blown my nose exactly 3,872 times... of those blows, 3,792 were done into paper napkins because I've long since run out of my beloved Puffs Plus and only remember that fact after Tony has left for his 12 hour shift at work

4) I've taken to rubbing lip balm under my nose (see #3)

I'm feeling a tad bit better this morning, and am contemplating the best way to decontaminate my couch...

Does Lysol come in industrial strength?

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halfbreedwoman said...

I am sorry that you got the crud---Feel better soon!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh no, "Jack"!!!! We hope you feel back yo new real soon!!!!

Kath and Rick

Anonymous said...

That would be "to" new.........YO!!!!!


As Cape Cod Turns said...

Poor, poor Jackie!!!
I imagine that you must be feeling better by now and have a new supply of Puffs for the next bout of runny nose syndrome. I love how you still have to cart the kids around. Classic.
Hope you had a great Christmas and Happy New Year!! I was shoveling icy-snow-slush today. Still I wouldn't trade it for your freaky frogs!


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