I have a little problem…
It has something to do with my compulsion to end (or not actually end) many of my sentences with three periods in a row…
Like this…
I like to think of it as my ‘signature style’
I’m sure all of you English teachers out there have a better name for it…
Like wrong...
Or maybe dumb…
You’ll find that I won’t disagree with you about the wrong part…
But I do remember way back in the day, my creative writing teacher always said to express yourself in your own unique way…
Guess what?
I do…
I’m a rebel... with a flaw(s) (I couldn’t resist!)
Sometimes, I even use two completely different punctuation marks at the end of the same sentence…
Come on!
You may have done it a time or two as well…
Especially when you are trying to make a strong point, e.g., “Are you kidding me?!”
It’s like you are asking a question, but you know you’re not going to believe the answer.
It may be wrong, but it seems sooo right
(Oh! …And sometimes I throw in a few extra o’s to make my point)
Does that make me a bad person?!
(Don’t answer that question, because you’ll see that I’ve ended it with a DDPM (double different punctuation mark) which clearly indicates that I probably won’t believe your answer anyway)
You may have noticed that I snuck a separate set of parentheses inside the of the other set…
I think that this might also be a bad thing… but quite frankly, I can’t help myself…
When I’m on a roll, there is just no stopping me!
I’m considering writing an open letter of apology to every teacher who tried to instill these rules in me all those years ago.
After all, I’m more than just some commas or exclamation points…
I’m a freestyler, for gosh sakes!
That may have been a bit over the top…
I apologize…
But really…
Is it hot in here?!
I’m sooo over it…
So, are we done here?!
(Note the DDPM… again, don’t answer that…)
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