I saw a lady pushing a shopping cart run straight into a support pole the other day. She was looking down at her shopping list and didn’t see it coming. She made a noise that sounded like “UGHH!” … or maybe it was “OWW!”
I can’t recall...
What I do remember, is that I felt the corners of my mouth turn up…
Kind of like the Grinch….
That, plus I was having trouble not letting a giggle escape my lips.
Is that wrong?
At the gym a day or so later, I watched a guy wobble and then nearly go flying off of the treadmill that he had been running on.
My reaction?
Similar to my pole-crash witnessing.
Am I a horrible person or something?
Actually I have always had a strange sense of hilarity.
It makes me sometimes laugh at odd and inappropriate times…
For instance, when I was a kid, my Dad would get mad at my brother and I, and we would get the giggles (which for some crazy reason my Dad mistook for disrespect – go figure!)
We knew he was getting angrier by the second, because the vein in his neck would pop out and he would start grinding his teeth
We knew the beatings would ensue, but that knowledge wasn’t enough to stop the madness.
I know I’m not alone here.
I have a good friend who has similar reactions to what some might consider non-funny stuff.
Together we have shared moments of total hysteria, complete with tears that only ended because one of us was bent over with our legs crossed begging the other to stop before ‘something bad happened’ (after five kids each…. bad things can happen quite easily)
My husband is worse than me, I think.
His Achilles’ heel funny bone usually involves me (or anyone else) getting hurt in some small way.
For instance, if I fell down and broke my leg, he would behave like a normal, loving husband, be concerned, and fuss over me.
BUT if I accidentally poked myself in the eye, he would say “Ohh! Are you okay?!”
But soon his shoulders would be shaking as he quickly turned his back on me as not to let me see him laughing hysterically…
Even as I sat there, teary eyed and looking like Popeye without his pipe.
That is sick!
I’ve been on the flip side of it to be sure, and been the source of amusement for others too…
Like the time that I walked to the bank to cash my paycheck during my lunch break and walked head first into a parking meter because I was looking down and counting my money while walking at the same time.
I saw some snickers on passerby's faces...
I remember that it hurt really bad, but for some reason I was like, ‘Did you see that?! (chuckle, chuckle) I’m fine! I’m fine’
Why do we do that? We could have just had our arm ripped off in some horrific accident and yet we will jump up and brush ourselves off and tell everyone how fine we are….
Back to the point,
I don’t blame them though…
If I were the spectator, I would be killing myself laughing about it every time it crossed my mind for the rest of the day, and perhaps for weeks to come.
You can’t control what strikes you funny, try as you might!
So heed my warning!
If you ever walk into a sliding glass door that you thought was opened, and all that is bruised is your ego (and maybe your nose)
You might catch me running from the room to spare you my insensitivity…
But know this….
If I am the one who walks into the door, you needn’t hide…
Go ahead and enjoy a belly laugh on me!
I've been giggling all day thinking about your post.
Years ago J&I went thru the drive-thru at Steak 'n Shake for dinner. While sitting there waiting we watched the young man getting our order together. As I remember he first knocked over the straws and then had the napkins "explode" all over the place.
Next thing we know, the bag he put out for our order was in flames. He'd put it too close to the heat lamps. LOL
Oh my goodness! We tried not to let him see us laughing but it just couldn't be contained. We still laugh... belly laugh even... about that one!
Thanks for the giggles today! :)
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