Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I CAAAN'T Stop!!!

I've had a rough week, folks...

Our friend Karl often shares a little story about his daughter (his ONLY daughter...) and how her mysterious, perplexing and uniquely feminine ways often leave him confused...
about how in the past, if she were upset about something ...

I mean, REALLY upset about something, she would begin to cry....

and after the crying had continued for quite some time, she would announce through her tears that "
I CAAAN'T STOP C-R-Y-I-N-G!!!!!!!"

This story has always made me smile... It's even made me chuckle over the dramatic flair of it all...

That is... until a few of days ago...

I had to face the moment that every pet owner signs up for, the day they bring that little ball of fluffy cuteness home to share their lives with...

The one that you don't think about in the midst of your excitement...

The one that no one warns you about when you open your home and your heart to a creature that becomes your kid... your baby... your pet...

One of my friends likened we moms relationship with our pets to that of being the parent of a perpetual toddler as they are so very dependent on us for everything and love us unconditionally... they stay that way their entire lives
Plus - BONUS... never turn into stubborn know-it-all teenagers...)

They are happy just to be with us and hate it when we leave them...

This past week, I had to say goodbye to the one who has protected me, sat by my bed when I was sick, and loved me without condition for the last twelve years...

Our dog Marco went to heaven after battling diabetes as well as blindness for the past year and a half.

It was his time to go and I knew that...
I also anticipated that I would be sad and feel the loss...
I mean, he had, after all, been a HUGE part of our family for the last twelve years...

What I didn't see coming, however was the absolute devastation that I have encountered over the days since...

I went through an entire jumbo pack of Puffs Plus in 2 days...
(we're talking hundreds of tissues)

I felt
absolutely gutted...

I suddenly have a new understand for my friends daughters plight...
Because "

You'll be glad to know that each day I'm doing a little bit better
(I've only teared up 5 times today and didn't once wail)

But he did leave an huge empty spot in out hearts that we are all feeling...

Farewell Marco-Boy!!
I know you'll be waiting for me at my front door in heaven...

But in the meantime,
try to stay out of trouble!

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As Cape Cod Turns said...

I am so sorry Jackie! And then I had to leave a post about a visit to the vet. Sorry if that made you cry too. I hope you stop crying soon! Puffs Plus are the way to go though. Feel better!

Sarah Clapp said...

I'm so sorry to hear for you loss. That happened to me last year, with my cat George. I cried for a week straight.

I promise you, it will get easier, and maybe Marco is up in Heaven, chasing George and eating yummies.

Thoughts from the Deep End said...

Thanks Sue and Sarah for your comments...
It does feel better knowing that others know exactly how I am feeling...
Sue... keep us posted on your pooch...

;) Jackie


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