Sunday, January 18, 2009

Help for L.O.S.E.R.'s... Like Me!!!

My name is Jackie, and I'm a Messy.

Although I've never dropped in to an AA meeting, I imagine that if I were to attend a support group that catered to my particular issues, the "LOwer Standards in Every Room" crowd, (or L.O.S.E.R.'s) this would have to be my introduction...

It's not that I try to be a disorganized cluster of a woman....

It just comes naturally to me!!

Through the years I have worked on this hole or flaw in myself, and have actually made great strides improving in this department...

Yet there are days when I find myself completely paralyzed as I look around my disorganized house and not only, do I not know where to even
start to rid myself of the piles that I have accumulated, I also worry that if I unload the things that I haven't used for a long time, I may need them at some point in the future and be upset with myself for getting rid of them!!! (see illustration of my theory above)

The REALLY weird thing is that I have two sisters do not have this problem...

My one sister is VERY organized and can find some kind of balance with the "stuff" that she has and though she has stuff, it's very arranged and tidy...

The other sister has more of a minimalist approach and doesn't hold on to ANYTHING....

Personally speaking, I think the balanced sister is the lucky one, and the we two opposite ends of the spectrum are the ones that need to find that middle ground...


I have been inspired recently by a friend of mine who is a Professional Organizer...

Yes Virginia, there is such an occupation!!

Check out the blog on her site... I LOVED it!!!
She addresses things that L.O.S.E.R.'s like me need to hear!!

Thanks Kate!! Where have you been my whole life??!!

Her Blog has prompted me to think that maybe, if I tackle things one at a time... you know, baby steps, I too can get organized and perhaps jump straight to step 12 which states:

"Having had a awakening as the result of these steps, I tried to carry this message to other addicts Messies or L.O.S.E.R.'s, and to practice these principles in all our affairs"


Now I'm off to spend 20 minutes with my spices...

Digg this


As Cape Cod Turns said...

What I would do for a personal organizer! A friend of mine has offered, but I am actually scared of what she would think of me after!!!

Thoughts from the Deep End said...

I know what you mean...
It would give them reasons to REALLY think we're losers!!!



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PS -
I respond much more favorably to praise than criticism! ;)

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