Saturday, October 18, 2008

Politically Incorrect Moves - The Early Years

Flashback -
Early Months 1969-

Although I was still a little girl, my older sisters and brothers were beginning to leave our nest to start lives of their own.

I was the flower girl in my sister Vicki's (T.V.'s) wedding when I was three.....
(and a darned cute one if I do say so myself!)

Naturally, as with many young, married couples, she and her husband decided to have a baby...

Although I was very young, I remember the excitement that the entire family experienced...
I remember my Mom making comments to other family members regarding the fact that she was VERY young to be a Grandmother...

I remember having a few things to say on the subject too...
Things that seemed highly sensible to my six year old self...

Like I hoped it was a girl because I always wanted a baby sister and since my Mom would never cooperate with me, a niece would have to do...

Like I hoped that it would be healthy...

and cute...

and white...

You heard right...
I said it alright!!!

But hold your horses for a second...

before you get all "oh my gosh! how could she have just said that?!"

I want to point out a few important facts...

Remember... I was six....
  • I had NO idea about the birds and the bees...
  • I desperately wanted a fake little sister, who would really be my niece, but who I could still boss around...
  • Even at six, I knew that good health was essential and that cute couldn't hurt...
  • At six, I also knew that white matched the rest of the family and I figured that couldn't hurt either...

I can still remember the reaction that my last statement received...

first stunned...

then hysterical...

I remember thinking how dumb they all were for laughing at a perfectly good wish list...
Incidentally, all of my wishes came true...

But my tendencies to say the wrong thing without meaning to offend, unfortunately are just part of who I am...

I frankly don't care about black, white, purple or blue...
But put me in a room filled with plaid, and I'm bound to say something about kilts or tartans or something else that I've never even thought of saying before...

I think it's a birth defect...
One that I live with every darned day...

I'm beginning to think that our gene pool could use some chlorine...

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Woman With Windows said...


Oh my goodness! Those genes must be dominant! I got an extra dose I think.

Chlorine! What an idea! Do you think it would really work?

Your Politically incorrect niece,

halfbreedwoman said...

& please Dear God... Let her be a half-breed with fat cheeks and gifted at pirating.


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PS -
I respond much more favorably to praise than criticism! ;)

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