Monday, October 13, 2008

Great Google Goggles!!

Okay, so I was reading Time magazine over the weekend because I like to keep my finger on the pulse of the world...

I know...
Even I can't keep a straight face while speaking (or typing) that sentence!

To be perfectly honest, I do enjoy skimming through it each week, and occasionally, I do glean a thing or two about what's going on beyond the 20 mile radius of what I like to call "my life"

A small article caught my eye in this weeks edition.

It was about a new feature that google is offering for their e-mail users. I happen to be one of them, so obviously I wanted to know what was in it for me...


The new feature is called "Mail Goggles"

Don't confuse this with male goggles, which although highly effective in the pool, don't provide one lick of help with your e-mail

or Beer Goggles, which are more helpful to desperate folks who are trying to "find friends" in all the wrong places...

Tap-tap-tap... is this mic on?

Mail Goggles!

I ran to my computer to find out what the heck this was all about and low and behold, right in the setting section was the option to utilize this new feature.

Here is the description given to describe this fabulous invention:

"Google strives to make the world's information useful. Mail you send late night on the weekends may be useful but you may regret it the next morning. Solve some simple math problems and you're good to go. Otherwise, get a good night's sleep and try again in the morning. After enabling this feature, you can adjust the schedule in the "General" settings page."


Now I am totally up the creek, because not only I am a night owl, but occasionally, even when I am stone-cold sober, I have difficulty performing mental math...

I do, however, know a few people who could benefit from this unique setting, and will be emailing to share this info with them right away...

Or as soon as I can solve a couple of math problems...

This may take a while...

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As Cape Cod Turns said...

What a clever little feature! What else is there out there that I never knew I needed?

Isn't it Amazing! said...

TMI for me as well..........I'm just trying to figure out dinner here! lolol

Isn't it Amazing! said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Isn't it Amazing! said...

an additional comment..........I don't know who Sue is but I appreciate the fact that she does take the time to comment on your blog.
Maybe others are thinking something but to take a minute to let you know is very thoughtful kudos to Sue!

Anonymous said...

How interesting...I see that you have a comment deleted. My guess is that whoever put a rude/disrespectful comment on your page should have enabled this feature...haha

Thoughts from the Deep End said...

I DO appreciate everyone's comments!

I will admit to you...those who bother to tread out to the deep end and comment, that secretly, I think that google goggles is an awesome invention...

I mean, if you can't figure out what 3x2=, then maybe being totally honest via e-mail with the person that annoyed you at the party you just arrived home from being at, might not be the greatest idea...
In the morning, you just might feel a teensy bit more tolerant of the offender...


(and your spelling will most likely improve as well)

Thanks Google Goggles!!

;) Jackie

Isn't it Amazing! said...

the only reason the comment was deleted is because an additional comment .......below the deletion had a couple of misspellings


Caution/Lisa said...

Found you via Sue! I'm interested in the Google Goggles thing, but I'm wondering if you can use a calculator during the test??

Thoughts from the Deep End said...

Thanks for stopping by! It's always nice to "see" new faces in the deep end!
RE: Calculator Usage... I think that is against the official rules. To get around this ordinance, I would just use an abacus (or if you are one of the 6 families in the world NOT to be lucky enough to possess your own abacus, I would try removing your socks and just do what I do, use your fingers and toes to add up the sum (and pray to god that your total isn't more than 10)
I hope this information proves to be useful to you in your quest to avoid impaired e-mailing, or EMUI....
Stop by again soon!!



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