Friday, October 16, 2009

The OTHER Three Little Words...

I did it...


I caught myself saying the two words that I PROMISED -


VOWED to NEVER, EVER say to another Mom as long as I lived...

Can you guess what they were?

"Just Wait"

I'm not trying to make you sit on the edge of your seat before revealing those words...
ARE the words!

Just - Wait!

When my older kiddos were little, and I was the "young Mom" surrounded by older Moms with older kids, I used to HATE when having a conversation involving the peaks and valleys of parenting, inevitably one of them would hit me right between the eyes with "Just WAIT!!!"

It was as if they wanted to one up me...

They were the same girls that after hearing about your labor and delivery taking 27 hours and requiring forceps and 3 pints of plasma, would say something like "MY labor lasted 27 DAYS and a staff of 14 doctors and nurses as well as 3 QUARTS of blood!!!"

Need I say.... ANNOYING!!!

Many years of parenting have passed...
(28 plus to be exact...
which incidentally is 10,249 days!)

Birth stories have been replaced by
Menopause stories
(and believe me - they are equally as IRRITATING!)

Now I am the "older Mom"

A friend contacted me and was venting about one of the lows of her parenting experiences of late.
She also mentioned that she was glad her 4th grade daughter still thought that she was awesome...

Call me aggravating...

Call me unpleasant...

Call me a weary Mom STILL dealing with teenagers after 5,501 days (which is how many days ago my first son turned 13... keep in mind that I have
five children)

Call me what you like...

Just don't call me to vent and count on my not blurting out that two word phrase that has become a common one in my vocabulary repertoire...

Why, you ask has this happened to me?

I've asked myself that very same question each and every time I've uttered those words, and I believe I have the answer...

It comes down to another short three word expression...

Misery Loves Company!

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the Provident Woman said...

I always hated hearing "just wait" too. Actually I still hear it a lot from my mother. But she does it out of love.


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I respond much more favorably to praise than criticism! ;)

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