Thursday, January 28, 2010

Oh no you di'int!

"oh no you di'int "*

1. A response to a bold statement, accusation, or action; slang for
"you're going to wish you hadn't said/done that," or "b*tch you'll pay for that."

*(taken from the Urban Dictionary)

The following are a sampling of actual quotes that morons people actually have said to me in recent years during actual conversations...

*You can only scratch your head and wonder how these idiots folks leave their homes every day without crash helmets on...

  • "NOW I know why Tony fell in love with you!"
(during a conversation with a male, longtime "friend" upon seeing me several years ago after I had lost a significant amount of weight)

Ummmmmm.....thanks......I guess......

  • "She's a big girl who doesn't dress right.... kinda LIKE YOU"
(this gem was said to me by a "lady" I worked along side with in the PTA several years ago after I "found" significant amount of aforementioned weight)

Ummmmmmm...... wow.... yeah..... you won't mind if I go out and take a walk in the sunshine and watch my big ole' shadow following me would you?.......

  • "My hair was that color once... yeah, a while back.. when I had a bad dye job"
(this was uttered by an acquaintance while she smiled at me the entire time)


Lesson for the day...
In the wisdom of Walt Disney...

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