Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Back Again for 2010...

Dear friends & followers of my blog (a.k.a. - all 3 of you),

I received an e-mail this morning in which the sender in essence prompted me to "get my finger out" and start blogging again...

(I know what you are about to ask and actually it's an English (as in Jolly Old) expression that my British BFF Marge uses quite often to describe the need to stop dragging your feet about something... as in,

"Jackie! Get your finger out and help me pick out an outfit"

(which would actually NEVER happen, as she is somewhat of a fashion plate and the kind of plates I am interested in usually involve eating!)

Plus, I'm not 100% sure I want to know why the Brits say that or even where your finger supposedly has been...

up your nose?

or some other sordid place that has kept you from doing what you should have been doing all along?

And YES! I understand that the sentence I just wrote broke all kinds of rules set forth by scholars centuries ago... But as I've told you before...

I'm a rebel... a freestyler of sorts!....

That's just how I roll!

I digress.....

Thanks to this (not so) anonymous follower of the Deep End who encouraged me to get back into it...

Back Again in 2010!

I hope you missed me as much as I missed you!

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Anonymous said...

Glad your back! yffbitwww:)

As Cape Cod Turns said...

Jackie's back! Jackie's back!!!! What else is there to do in Florida since it's been as cold as Massachusetts?

Anonymous said...

WHEW! I can exhale. The world turns again. I am going to miami tomorrow for 4 days. Come down for some fun! Missed ya! Paula


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PS -
I respond much more favorably to praise than criticism! ;)

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