Monday, November 17, 2008

The pipes, the pipes are STILL calling.....

I received the following e-mail from my BFF Tracy, who as you may recall from last weeks post, just moved to Ireland from the good old US of A...

I miss her terribly...

No kidding....

She is learning many new things as you will see by reading the following:

(I am going to suggest she begin writing these things down so that she can publish a self-help guide to acclimating to Ireland for Yanks...)

She can then use the proceeds to purchase roundtrip tickets for Tony and I to come for a visit...

We haven't really got web Internet access in my home yet- but I wanted to send you a quick email about things that we have learned.

1. I can't drive on the other side of the road. I stink at this real bad.

2. If you want a hot bath/shower, you have to manually turn on the water heater switch each time.

3. Estate means subdivision- Green means yard and/or grass.

4. A skip is a dumpster

5. Don't order iced tea----ever- (This was Scott's lesson-)

6. The dollar doesn't go as far as it used to---

7. The washer is also a dryer-It took us 4 loads to figure the sucker out- but we got it now baby!

8. There is a light on the dishwasher that reads "salt" and it is lit- WTH?

9. You can't get a bank account without utilities in your name & you can't get utilities without a local bank account. haha.

10. There is an "isolator" button the bathroom- I am afraid to push it.

11. When you turn on the heater buttons, this may help heat your water?!#

12. The bread/food is delicious- they have riper mango here than in FL????

13. Yummy butter.

14. Yummy Chocolate

15. I am not going to lose weight.

16. My phone number is 045-987654 Weird, huh? (number has been changed to protect her from stalkers)

17. I don't think that people are in love with my accent.

18. All the clocks show military time- My math stinks...this is a problem.

19. I can see sheep grazing from my backyard or green or whatever.

20. When retrieving voice messages, you are supposed to press the "hash"---What is that? Just don't leave a voice message, because I can't retrieve them...

21. When people tell you that they are going to "call"- expect a visit not a telephone call- that would be a "ring."

Okay- That is all I got- I'll send pics when I get Internet. How is everybody? We should have email by next week- but I'll try to stop by the office sooner & check on things...



Just in case you wanted to know how I replied:

So glad to 'hear' from you!!!!
I miss you tons already!!

Since you left I learned a few things too:

  • I can't drive on the other side of the road either...
(the policeman that pulled me over said so!)...JK
  • We have yummy butter and chocolate too...
  • I'm not going to lose weight
Did I mention I miss you?!!

xo Jackie

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