Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The pipes, the pipes are calling.....

One of my BFF's announced recently that she is moving to Ireland...
This news is bittersweet, because on one hand, I could not be happier for her...

she and her family REALLY wanted this...

My heart feels heavy and my eyes keep threatening to leak...

Though I am sad, I am willing to push that aside and support her 100%

I have given considerable thought to what I can do to show her that I have her back.

In the spirit of friendship,
I have decided to brush up on my Irish vernacular so that I can give her an edge in her new community...

1. When in a public place, if you find yourself in need of a bathroom, ask for the location of the Loo or the Jacks. If you ask where the restroom is... they'll look at you funny and make fun of you when you leave...

2. When in a pub, if you need to "go"#2...
see #1...
Because if you ask for the crapper, you'll end up with a half glass of whiskey

3. If you are in a pub and someone says they are pissed, don't proceed to tell them where the
bathroom is... or think that they are mad at you...
Pissed means having had too much to drink... aka drunk...

A great way to fit in would be to try and speak with an Irish accent...
It will be EASY!

I've watched "Waking Ned Devine" and Disney's "Luck of the Irish" as well as Lucky Charms commercials for most of my life and I think I've got it down...

Instead of using the "er" sound for E-R, simply replace with "ahr" (think pirate)
Also, when a word ends in "ng", simply drop the "g" sound..
When referring to yourself in ways that you would normally use "my" use "me" instead...

So in lieu of saying a normal, everyday Irish phrase with an American accent, for example,

"Saints Preserve us! What are you doing?"

Try saying:

"Saints Pre-sahr-ve us! What ahr you doin'?

(okay... I'll admit it....I grabbed that line from the aforementioned Disney film... where they used that particular line often... I cannot personally guarantee the authenticity of the phrase)

I took the liberty of creating an ID badge that she can wear for the first few months to make it easier for the locals to accept her as one of their own...
It will also cover her if she slips and forgets to use her convincing Irish accent...

You'll be able to follow her journey on her website...

Digg this


halfbreedwoman said...

LOL- Thank you so very much for my ID card...because that will totally help me get through customs. & Many thanks for the Venacular Tutorial. You really have my back...I will be practicing. "Saints perserve us...look @ the time."

Thoughts from the Deep End said...

Don't mention it!!
I'm sure that you will have it all down by the time T & I come to visit!


As Cape Cod Turns said...

Your friend is lucky to have you! You can really learn a lot from those Lucky Charms commercials!

Thoughts from the Deep End said...

They're magically educational....
(and delicious too!)



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