Friday, September 12, 2008

Ready, Set, Noodle!!

In recognition of the terrible injustices in this
world including, but not limited to, and in no
particular order, rising taxes, unaffordable health care,
war, my daughter not getting her rightful title,
and there being no cure for stupid,

I've chosen one of these problems (randomly) and prepared a

report card to address this horrible issue today...

I should also mention that I have been stocking up on pool noodles and hope
that you will be willing to stand up for this issue with me...
Actions speak LOUDER than words!!

And there are some sophomores out there who need to be taught a lesson!

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Isn't it Amazing! said...

Uncle Chuck s.e.z. says that stupid people shouldn't even, oh never mind, and that it's a real shame that Gina's class doesn't recognize true beauty when they see it. love xo

Thoughts from the Deep End said...

Talk is cheap...
READY your Pool Noodles!!!!



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PS -
I respond much more favorably to praise than criticism! ;)

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