Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Flash Dance Cards

I get the distinct impression that my Husband thinks blogs are stupid...

He tries to be supportive, but I find myself disappointed with his reaction every time...

It usually goes something like, "Is that it?" or "oh"...

I don't think I'm being paranoid either.

Possibly, I've been using the wrong approach all along...

Maybe if I used some type of visual aid to ... well.... "aid" him to know when the appropriate time to chime in with positive feedback in the form of encouraging words and /or applause, it would be extremely helpful...

If only I could think of something that would really get his attention...

You know....

Other than my stimulating words...

I think I've just had a brainstorm!!!!

Not to be confused with a braincloud which is far less productive and far more common than the full blown 'storm' version...

I think that if after I share my blog-thoughts from now on...

Instead of having to say "That's it!", which is how I queue him to respond with obligatory oooo's and ahhhhs...

I will use a visual aid to facilitate my plan!!

If this idea works, I could start up a business

(business idea #496 to be exact... but who's counting)
where I create customized flashcards with images tailored to each husbands particular sensory triggers

Their primary purpose would be for the blogger to use on the blog-ee...

Here's how they would work -

  • Blogger reads blog aloud to blog-ee...
  • Blog-ee half listens and eyes occasionally glaze over...
  • Blogger whips out flashcards...
  • Blog-ee snaps to attention and responds appropriately!


My prototype cards are customized to include a couple of my husbands "visual triggers"

I'll show them to you...
In NO particular order....

The first one looks like this -

Here is the other one that will work just as well -

Am I alone here?

What pictures would be on your flashcards?

Digg this



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PS -
I respond much more favorably to praise than criticism! ;)

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