Saturday, June 28, 2008

The Rain, Rain, Rain, Came Down, Down, Down...

WE had lots of plans over last weekend...
Most of which involved being outside...
One of which, was to re-coat the roof of our camper so it won't leak...
90% of the time on Saturday and Sunday, this is what it looked like outside...

Which only caused my typeA EASY going husband to grumble...
and grouch...

I had a suggestion to go ahead with the RV roof re-coat despite the weather...
My plan involved a series of umbrellas, lined up in 3 overlapping rows, 12 blow driers, and 41 volunteers...
Oh... and rainboots...
It was an idea that I just brainstormed...
because I'm an " outside of the box" type of thinker...

Tony thought it was dumb...
(He's still inside the box with his thinking)

Just to make things clear...
My Guy is really, very smart...
And, NO, he's not a mime...
(His thinking is the only thing figuratively 'in the box')
Mimes are annoying...
and quite frankly if I was married to one, I would most likely alternate between pretending to strangle him and pretending to club him over the head with a hammer on a daily basis...

I just happen to take the stand that if you don't like my ideas...
you are...
what's the word I'm trying to think of...
Oh yeah!


PS - Actually, truth be told, the preceding story was only partially true...
EVERYONE knows that it would be downright dangerous to operate a blowdrier in the rain!

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